Modern distributed systems are increasingly complex and interconnected. Delivered on the cloud-edge continuum, boosted by 5G, built on AI, and deployed in critical domains (health, transportation…). These systems produce, store, share, and analyze huge amount of data, posing strong requirements on their quality and privacy, and requesting new governance solutions.
AI, foundational models, LNP add complexity on top of these systems, while being an opportunity to connect heterogeneous systems. These systems also require new verification techniques proving their (non-functional) behavior.
In this context, data governance, including privacy, data protection, data quality, and reliability , become fundamental requirements all backed by the need of interoperability.
The role of data: open data vs free-to-use data, regulations (eu vs non-EU)
Ernesto Damiani, President, CINI, Full Professor, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, Director, Center for Cyber-Physical System, Khalifa University, UAE, CEO MoonCloud srl
Bio: President of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Computer Science. EIC of the International Journal on Big Data and of the International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. Associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Service-oriented Computing and of the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. ACM Distinguished Scientist and recipient of the Chester Sall Award from the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He received the doctorate honoris causa from INSA - Lyon (France) for his contribution to Big Data teaching and research. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cyber-physical systems, secure service-oriented architectures, privacy-preserving big data analytics and cyber-physical systems security, where he published more than 700 scientific papers and books.
Valter Fraccaro, Presidente Fondazione SAIHub Siena,
Bio: He is President of the Fondazione SAIHUB, a foundation focused on the application of artificial intelligence in the life sciences sector (agri-food, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices). His career began in 1987 with a focus on digital cataloguing of cultural heritage. In the IT sector, he has worked as a manager in Italian and international companies and at the University of Padua as Director of the Centre for Information Systems. In the past, he founded two companies: the first dedicated to digital innovation projects in industry, the second specialised in the IT management of scientific data (founded in 2015, the first in Europe dedicated to this topic). Since 2017, he has started his collaboration with the University of Siena and then with pharmaceutical and technology companies, dealing with artificial intelligence projects and their funding. As a professional or as chairman of the Fondazione SAIHUB, he has collaborated in the design of technology projects that have channelled around 100 million euros of European funds to public and private initiatives in Italy. He is a consultant and trainer for private companies, foundations, consultancies, cultural institutions and universities on issues of planning, ethics, design and sustainability of innovation, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence. He has worked extensively on aspects of the social and economic impact of digital technologies, topics on which he is involved in management training and consulting. He regularly publishes in Italy for Econopoly (IlSole24Ore) and Agenda Digitale, and in Switzerland for Innovando News, and is a frequent keynote speaker or moderator at conferences and debates.
Claudio Sarra, Università degli Studi di Padova
Bio: Prof. Claudio Sarra is currently an Associate Professor, qualified as a Full Professor in the field of Legal Philosophy (GIUR 17/A), at the University of Padua. He holds a Law degree with honors, and a Ph.D. in Legal Philosophy. He regularly engages in international research and teaching activities. His professional work spans legal practice, particularly in civil and commercial law, and roles as a corporate legal consultant in technology law and data protection. Currently, he directs the second-level Master’s program in Bioethics and Biolaw at the University of Padua and serves as the Deputy Director of the Master’s program in Metaverse and Legal Informatics. He is a member of several scientific committees and international affiliations, including the Italian Society of Legal Philosophy and the Central and Eastern European Network of Jurisprudence (CEENJ), as well as the Ethics Committee of the Interdepartmental Center for Human Inspired Technology (HIT) and the Scientific Committee of the Center for Connectivity and Territory V-SIX. His current research areas include data protection, artificial intelligence and law, AI ethics, the philosophy of legal language, and legal epistemology. His recent publications include monographs and articles on topics such as datafication, the ethical and legal challenges of AI, and the rhetorical analysis of legal discourse.
Stefano Micocci, Strategy and Development, FBK,
Bio: Stefano Micocci achieved a master's degree in electronic engineering from the University of Bologna in 1994. He works at Fondazione Bruno Kessler where he is a member of the office of the Head of Strategy and Development. At FBK, he was CTO in the Digital Health and Wellbeing department where he was responsible for the development of the Electronic Health Record of the Autonomous Province of Trento. He was eHealth expert for the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, with the role of CTO for the implementation of mission 6 (health) of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. He also worked for an in-house company of the Emilia Romagna Region where he was responsible for the development of the Electronic Health Record of the Emilia-Romagna Region. He participated in ministerial technical groups and is a member of the board of the standardisation body HL7 Italia.
Dr. Gabriella Scipione, Head of HPC Data Management and Data Analytics, CINECA,
Bio: Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Fisica presso l'Università di Bologna e attualmente dirige la divisione “HPC Data Management and Data Analytics” del dipartimento di High Performance Computing del CINECA. Le sue attività si concentrano su High Performance Computing (HPC), sulla gestione dei big data in cloud computing, sull'analisi dei dati sfruttando le risorse HPC e sulla creazione di applicazioni personalizzate per la visualizzazione dei dati scientifici. È stata responsabile tecnico e coordinatore di diversi progetti scientifici europei HPC in settori quali il meteo, il clima, l'ambiente e le scienze della vita. È stata coordinatrice della proposta del supercomputer Leonardo EuroHPC, la candidatura dell'Italia a ospitare il sistema EuroHPC pre-exascale presso il Polo Tecnologico di Bologna. Ha un ruolo attivo nelle attività di Leonardo HPC del CINECA. È PI in diversi progetti e contratti relativi a Destination Earth e ad altri gemelli digitali come GLORI (Global to Regional ICON Digital Twin). Recentemente ha iniziato a coordinare il team del CINECA che fornisce supporto HPC alle comunità AI e LLM e coordina le attività dell'AI for Science. Dal 2017 al 2023 ha partecipato a PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), ricoprendo il ruolo di Council Delegate per l'Italia. Dal 2024 è membro dell’Infrastructural Advisory Board di EuroHPC.